
Contact Information

National Outdoor Book Awards



Mt. Blackadar








Contact Information

The National Outdoor Book Awards is currently housed at Idaho State University.  More information on the program can be obtained from:

Ron Watters, Chair
National Outdoor Book Awards
921 South 8th Ave, Stop 8128,
Pocatello, ID 83209

Phone: 208-282-3912      Email: wattron@isu.edu

The National Outdoor Book Awards Foundation is a non-profit, tax exempt entity organized under 501 (c) (3) of the IRS Code.

For application information including NOBA policy, eligibility requirements and the entry form:  see NOBA Application


Mailing Lists

Our mailing lists are highly confidential and not shared with any other sources.  We maintain two email lists: 

Publishers List.  This list is for the purpose of announcing the opening of nominations at the beginning of the summer and providing a link to the most current application form.  On an annual basis, no more than two announcements are sent out on this email list.

Media List.  This list is for traditional media outlets and websites.  Only two press releases are sent out over a year period.  One press release announces the opening of nominations for the new year's program—and the other press release announces the winners (in the fall immediately after the judge's decisions are finalized).  We want to emphasize that no more than two press releases are sent out on this list. 

To be added to either mailing list, send an email to Ron Watters, Chair.






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